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Release Notes 5.5

GridWay 5.5 is the new development version of the fifth series of the metascheduler, completely backwards-compatible with version 5.4. Extra features and intensive bug fixing have been worked out.

Release date: October 19th, 2009.

LDAP Information MAD

Regarding the Information Manager (IM) a new Middleware Access Driver (MAD) has been developed for querying a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server for information about the grid resources available.

XML support

Output of cli

Now the commands gwhost, gwps, gwuser, gwhistory and gwacct accept a -x flag formatting all the information according to XML standards.

XML schema

A new validation schema has been added to the distribution in order to validate the output of the command line interface. It is located under the xml_schema/ folder.

Improved configuration script

The testing performed at the configuration stage before installation exits if the perl and ruby library requirements are asked for but not satisfied. They correspond to the --enable-ldap and --enable-drmaa-ruby options of ./configure.

On-line documentation

To avoid the duplication effort and improve the browsing experience through the different documentation sources, we have migrated all the documents to our on-line section. You won't find anymore a doc/ folder.

Bug fixing & development tracking

It has been an intensive bug fixing and development campaign, solving the following issues:

  • Bug #25: HOSTNAMES and QUEUE_ACCESS values are truncated to 25 characters
  • Bug #26: Generic variables need their own xml syntax
  • Bug #27: Incorrect information from gwacct -u -r
  • Bug #29: Wrong XML syntax for gwacct, gwps, gwhistory
  • Bug #30: Missaligned gwhost output
  • Bug #37: libnet-ldap-perl package required for gw_im_mad_egee_ldap
  • Bug #38: Compilation error in open function in src/gwd/gwd.c
  • Bug #45: Error when monitor and discover send results to stdout at the same time
  • Bug #59: Identity from gwuser wrong
  • Bug #60: Hostnames still get truncated at 25 chars
  • Bug #65: Some MADs point to wrong location
  • Bug #69: ruby-dev package required to build –enable-drmaa-ruby
  • Feature #64: Installation of new files
  • Support #28: Provide XML Schema
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