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GridWay 4.9 Incremental Release Notes (released on April 7, 2006)

Multiple-user support

This release includes support for multiple users interfacing to the same gwd daemon. This way the installation and configuration of GridWay will be performed by the system manager and the users could submit, control and monitor their jobs from a front-end or from submission hosts (that do not require GridWay and Globus installation).

Credential Renewal

Some compute-intensive jobs requires long lived credentials to execute them. GridWay is able to interface MyProxy services to renew user credentials.

GridWay Daemon Fault Recovery

We have added a new mode to recover the jobs submitted through GridWay to the Grid in case of local failure.

Job Dependency Capability

GridWay allows job submission to be dependent on the completion of other jobs. This new funcionality provides support for the execution of workflows.

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