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Command Line Interface 5.5



gwsubmit — job submission utility for the GridWay system


gwsubmit -t template [-n tasks] [-h] [-v] [-o] [-s start] [-i increment] [-d "id1 id2 ..."]


Submit a job or an array job (if the number of tasks is defined) to gwd

Command options

  • -h Prints help.
  • -t <template> The template file describing the job.
  • -n <tasks> Submit an array job with the given number of tasks. All the jobs in the array will use the same template.
  • -s <start> Start value for custom param in array jobs. Default 0.
  • -i <increment> Increment value for custom param in array jobs. Each task has associated the value PARAM=start+increment*TASK_ID, and MAX_PARM=start+increment*(tasks-1). Default 1.
  • -d <id1 id2…> Job dependencies. Submit the job on hold state, and release it once jobs with id1,id2,.. have successfully finished.
  • -v Print to stdout the job ids returned by gwd.
  • -o Hold job on submission.
  • -p <priority> Initial priority for the job.



gwdag — dag job submission utility for the GridWay system


gwdag [-h] [-d] <DAG description file>


Submit a dag job to gwd

Command options

  • -h Prints help.
  • -d Writes to STDOUT a DOT description for the specified DAG job.



gwps — report a snapshot of the current jobs


gwps [-h] [-u user] [-r host] [-A AID] [-s job_state] [-o output_format] [-c delay] [-nfx] [job_id]


Prints information about all the jobs in the GridWay system (default)

Command options

  • -h prints this help.
  • -u user monitor only jobs owned by user
  • -r host monitor only jobs executed in host
  • -A AID monitor only jobs part of the array AID
  • -s job_state monitor only jobs in states matching that of job_state
  • -o output_format Formats output information, allowing the selection of which fields to display
  • -c <delay> This will cause gwps to print job information every <delay> seconds continuously (similar to top command).
  • -n Do not print the header
  • -f full format
  • -x xml format
  • job_id Only monitor this job_id

Output field description

Table 5. Field options

USER u owner of this job
JID J job unique identification assigned by the Gridway system
AID i array unique identification, only relevant for array jobs
TID i task identification, ranges from 0 to TOTAL_TASKS -1, only relevant for array jobs
FP p fixed priority of the job
TYPE y type of job (simple, multiple or mpi)
NP n number of processors
DM s dispatch Manager state, one of: pend, hold, prol, prew, wrap, epil, canl, stop, migr, done, fail
EM e execution Manager state (Globus state): pend, susp, actv, fail, done
RWS f flags: R times this job has been restarted, W number of processes waiting for this job, S re-schedule flag
START t/T the time the job entered the system
END t/T the time the job reached a final state (fail or done)
EXEC t/T total execution time, includes suspension time in the remote queue system
XFER t/T total file transfer time, includes stage-in and stage-out phases
EXIT x job exit code
TEMPLATE j filename of the job template used for this job
HOST h hostname where the job is being executed



gwhistory — shows history of a job


gwhistory [-h] [-nx] <job_id>


Prints information about the execution history of a job

Command options

  • -h prints this help.
  • -n do not print the header lines.
  • -x xml format.
  • job_id job identification as provided by gwps.

Output field description

Table 6. Field information

HID host unique identification assigned by the Gridway system.
START the time the job start its execution on this host.
END the time the job left this host, because it finished or it was migrated.
PROLOG total prolog (file stage-in phase) time.
WRAPPER total wrapper (execution phase) time.
EPILOG total epilog (file stage-out phase) time.
MIGR total migration time.
REASON the reason why the job left this host.
QUEUE name of the queue.
HOST FQDN of the host.



gwhost — shows hosts information


gwhost [-h] [-c delay] [-nfx] [-m job_id] [host_id]


Prints information about all the hosts in the GridWay system (default)

Command options

  • -h prints help
  • -c <delay> This will cause gwhost to print job information every <delay> seconds continuously (similar to top command)
  • -n do not print the header
  • -f full format
  • -x xml format
  • -m <job_id> prints hosts matching the requirements of a given job
  • host_id only monitor this host_id, also prints queue information.

Output field description

Table 7. Field information

HID host unique identification assigned by the Gridway system
PRIO priority assigned to the host
OS operating system
ARCH architecture
MHZ CPU speed in MHZ
%CPU free CPU ratio
MEM(F/T) system memory: F = Free, T = Total
DISK(F/T) secondary storage: F = Free, T = Total
N(U/F/T) number of slots: U = used by GridWay, F = free, T = total
LRMS local resource management system, the jobmanager name
HOSTNAME FQDN of this host

Table 8. Queue field information

QUEUENAME name of this queue
SL(F/T) slots: F = Free, T = Total
WALLT queue wall time
CPUT queue cpu time
COUNT queue count number
MAXR max. running jobs
MAXQ max. queued jobs
STATUS queue status
DISPATCH queue dispatch type
PRIORITY queue priority



gwkill — controls job execution


gwkill [-h] [-a] [-k | -t | -o | -s | -r | -l | -9] <job_id [job_id2 ...] | -A array_id>


Sends a signal to a job or array job

Command options

  • -h Prints help.
  • -a Asynchronous signal, only relevant for KILL and STOP.
  • -k Kill (default, if no signal specified).
  • -t Stop job.
  • -r Resume job.
  • -o Hold job.
  • -l Release job.
  • -s Re-schedule job.
  • -9 Hard kill, removes the job from the system without synchronizing remote job execution or cleaning remote host.
  • job_id [job_id2 …] Job identification as provided by gwps. You can specify a blank space separated list of job ids.
  • -A <array_id> Array identification as provided by gwps.



gwwait — synchronize a job


gwwait [-h] [-a] [-v] [-k] <job_id ...| -A array_id>


Waits for a job or array job

Command options

  • -h help.
  • -a Any, returns when the first job of the list or array finishes.
  • -v Prints job exit code.
  • -k Keep jobs, they remain in fail or done states in the GridWay system. By default, jobs are killed and their resources freed.
  • -A <array_id> Array identification as provided by gwps.
  • job_id Job ids list (blank space separated).



gwuser — monitors users in GridWay


gwuser [-h] [-nx]


Prints information about users in the GridWay system

Command options

  • -h prints this help
  • -n do not print the header
  • -x xml format

Output field description

Table 9. Field information

UID user unique identification assigned by the Gridway system
NAME name of this user
JOBS number of Jobs in the GridWay system
RUN number of running jobs
IDLE idle time, (time with JOBS = 0)
EM execution manager drivers loaded for this user
TM transfer manager drivers loaded for this user
PID process identification of driver processes



gwacct — prints accounting information


gwacct [-h] [-nx] [<-d n | -w n | -m n | -t s>] <-u user|-r host>


Prints usage statistics per user or resource. Note: accounting statistics are updated once a job is killed.

Command options

  • -h Prints help.
  • -n Do not print the header.
  • -x xml output.
  • < -d n | -w n | -m n | -t s> Take into account jobs submitted after certain date, specified in number of days (-d), weeks (-w), months (-m) or an epoch (-t).
  • -u user Print usage statistics for user.
  • -r hostname Print usage statistics for host.

Output field description

Table 10. Field information

HOST/USER host/user usage summary for this user/host
XFR total transfer time on this host (for this user)
EXE total execution time on this host (for this user), without suspension time
SUSP total suspension (queue) time on this host (for this user)
TOTS total executions on this host (for this user).
Termination reasons:
SUCC success
ERR error
KILL kill
USER user requested
SUSP suspension timeout
DISC discovery timeout
SELF self migration
PERF performance degradation
S-R stop-resume



jsdl2gw — parser to translate JSDL file into GridWay Job Template file


jsdl2gw [-h] input_jsdl [output_gwjt]


Converts a jsdl document into a gridway job template. If no output file is defined, it defaults to the standard output. This enables the use of pipes with gwsubmit in the following fashion:

jsdl2gw jsdl-job.xml | gwsubmit

Command options

  • -h Prints help.
  • input_jsdl Reads the jsdl document from the input_jsdl
  • output_gwjt Stores the GridWay Job Template specification in the output_gwjt.jt file
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