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Interoperation of GridWay with EMI-ES

The EMI-ES specification is an initiative of the EMI project to unify job management and monitoring interfaces of ARC, gLite, and UNICORE. This document describes how to install and configure GridWay to submit jobs to EMI-ES endpoints.

Only the Nordugrid ARC implementation of EMI-ES has been tested.


  • Install the IGE and EMI repositories.
  • Install the gridway-EMIES package that provides the GridWay drivers to interface with EMI-ES endpoints. IGE, EMI and official repos must resolve all dependencies.
  • Alternatively, you can build and install the EMI-ES and dummy drivers by yourself.

Configuration of Drivers

The GridWay Configuration Guide provides complete information about configuration of the meta-scheduler. Next steps describe the specific configuration to interface with EMI-ES endpoints.

  • Add the following lines in the /usr/etc/gwd.conf file:
   # MADs for EMI-ES
   IM_MAD = static:gw_im_mad_static:-l etc/EMIES_hosts.list:dummy:emies
   EM_MAD = emies:gw_em_mad_emies::adl
   TM_MAD = dummy:gw_tm_mad_dummy:-u gsiftp\://<hostname>;cache=no
  • File /usr/etc/EMIES_hosts.list contains a list of nodes and files with static information of each node, this is an example:
  <hostname1> etc/<hostname1>.machine
  <hostname2> etc/<hostname2>.machine
  <hostname3> etc/<hostname3>.machine

The files /usr/etc/<hostname>.machine contain static information about each node where you want to send jobs. Please refer to the configuration guide for more details.

  • Some privileges are required to be set in the /etc/sudoers file. Please add the following lines.
   #GridWay entries (EMI-ES MAD)
   gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_em_mad_emies *
   gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_tm_mad_dummy *

Using GridWay

The functionality and interfaces provided by GridWay are independent from the underlying Grid infrastructure. Please refer to the guides (user's guide, command reference, programming guide…) available at the Documentation section.

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