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Internal Architecture 5.14
Figure 1.Components of the GridWay Meta-scheduler.
GridWay 5 architecture consists of the following components:
User Interface provides the end user with DRM-like commands to submit, kill, migrate, monitor and synchronize jobs and includes DRMAA (Distributed Resource Management Application
API) OGF (Open Grid Forum) standard support to develop distributed applications (C and Java bindings).
GridWay core is responsible for job execution management and resource brokering, providing advanced scheduling, and job failure & recovery capabilities.
The Dispatch Manager performs all submission stages and watches over the efficient execution of jobs.
The Information Manager, through its MADs (Middleware Access Driver), is responsible for host discovery and monitoring.
The Execution Manager, through its MADs, is responsible job execution and management.
The Transfer Manager, through its MADs, is responsible for file staging, remote working directory set-up and remote host clean-up.
Several Middleware Access Drivers interface with Discovery and Monitoring, Job Management and Data Management services available in the Grid infrastructure.
Scheduler makes scheduling decisions for jobs on available resources.