Table of Contents



Grids offer a dramatic increase in the number of available processing and storing resources that can be delivered to applications. However, efficient job submission and management continue being far from accessible to ordinary scientists and engineers due to their dynamic and complex nature. The aim of the GridWay Metascheduler is to automatically perform all the submission steps and also to provide the runtime mechanisms needed for dynamically adapting the application execution. The GridWay framework has been developed to reduce the gap between Grid middleware and application developers, providing end users and application developers with a consistent and familiar working environment to access all cluster, Grid and Cloud resources in the organization.

GridWay is a workload manager that performs job execution management and resource brokering on a Grid consisting of distinct computing platforms that could be dynamically extended with Cloud resources. GridWay allows unattended, reliable, and efficient execution of single, array, or complex jobs, both sequential or parallel, on heterogeneous and dynamic Grids. GridWay performs all the job scheduling and submission steps transparently to the end user and adapts job execution to changing grid conditions by providing fault recovery mechanisms, dynamic scheduling, migration on-request and opportunistic migration. GridWay provides decoupling between applications and the underlying local management systems.


Benefits for the Organization

GridWay supports the deployment of:

Benefits for the System Administrator

GridWay modular architecture offers the following benefits:

Benefits for the End User and Grid Application Developer

GridWay provides the end-user with a working environment and functionality similar to those found on local DRM systems, such as SGE, LSF or PBS. The end-user is able to submit, monitor and control his jobs by means of DRM-like commands (gwsubmit, gwwait, gwkill…) or standard programming interfaces. particular:


We have prepared a criteria checklist to compare your meta-scheduler with GridWay. Its modular architecture allows to fulfil requirements not included in the following checklist with low effort. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require more information on Future Releases and Technical Support.

The Project

The GridWay project started in September 2002. The first releases of the metascheduler were developed for research purposes in adaptive and dynamic scheduling and were only distributed on request in binary format. The first open source version, GridWay 4.0, and the project website were released in January 2005. The code is currently distributed under Apache license, version 2.0. The last release is the result of the knowledge and experience gained through years of research and development and the feedback from our user community. GridWay joined the dev.globus incubation process in May 2006, being the first ever project to escalate to a full Globus project in January 2007. GridWay so adheres to Globus philosophy and guidelines for collaborative development.


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