Table of Contents

Interoperation of GridWay with the EGI infrastructure

The gLite middleware was developed by the EGEE project and it is currently supported by EMI and used in EGI as part of UMD. It provides different grid services, such as BDII (Berkeley Database Information Index) which is an information system for grid computing infrastructures, and CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) which is a simple, lightweight service for job management. CREAM is currently used as the official job submission interface on EGI.


Configuration of Drivers

The GridWay Configuration Guide provides complete information about configuration of the meta-scheduler. Next steps describe the specific configuration of the gLite access drivers.

  IM_MAD = bdii:gw_im_mad_bdii:-s <bdii-server> -q (GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO\:<VO>)(GlueCEImplementationName=CREAM):dummy:cream
  EM_MAD = cream:gw_em_mad_cream::jdl
  TM_MAD = dummy:gw_tm_mad_dummy:-g

Don't forget to set up <bdii-server> and <VO> with a BDII server and a VO that grants you access to resources.

   #GridWay entries (gLite MAD)
   gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_im_mad_bdii *
   gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_em_mad_cream *
   gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_tm_mad_dummy *

Using GridWay

The functionality and interfaces provided by GridWay are independent from the underlying Grid infrastructure. Please refer to the guides (user's guide, command reference, programming guideā€¦) available at the Documentation section.