Table of Contents

Virtual appliance in Amazon EC2

Using GridWay as a front-end to your cluster, grid-resources, etc. requires an installation and set-up which could keep apart users wanting to test specific features. It also expects some administrator knowledge to follow up the detailed documentation.

The virtual appliance in the most successful cloud provider Amazon EC2, consists of two public images (AMIs). The advantage of cloud computing resides on the possibility of launching on demand a working instance of GridWay 5.5.0 within just a couple of minutes.

On the next sections it is explained, step by step, how to get it working.

Launching the instance

Select AMI

Select one of the public GridWay AMIs from the next Table:

GridWay VersionAMITypebase OSLocation
5.5.0 ami-0a5d767e 32 bits Ubuntu Server 9.04 EU-West
5.5.0 ami-1ddd3e74 32 bits Ubuntu Server 9.04 US-East

Security group

Create a security group with all the ports open. Otherwise you should set the GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE according to your selection. Open all ports

After setting your key pair and choosing the instance type you are ready to go.

Logging in as root

According to your key pair and public-DNS of your running instance, you can get in by ssh:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 0d:4e:3e:51:0e:b8:c5:21:26:6f:a4:ce:06:63:df:33.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Linux ec2-79-125-53-164 #1 SMP Fri Feb 15 12:39:36 EST 2008 i686
    ______      __               __  __            ______     _     __
   / ____/___  / /____  _____   / /_/ /_  ___     / ____/____(_)___/ /
  / __/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/  / __/ __ \/ _ \   / / __/ ___/ / __  /
 / /___/ / / / /_/  __/ /     / /_/ / / /  __/  / /_/ / /  / / /_/ /
/_____/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/      \__/_/ /_/\___/   \____/_/  /_/\____/

GridWay 5.5.0 AMI, built by Alejandro Lorca, based on the Amazon EC2 
Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty AMI built by Eric Hammond.
Distributed System Architecture group, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Please check and for more info.

Tunning GridWay

Testing the default behaviour

Now you are up and running, but you need to adapt the GridWay metascheduler to your needs. By default, GridWay is configured to interact with the training infrastructure Gilda within the EGEE project.

The virtual appliance is configured such that it has a web server running with a working installation of the great project GridWay + Google Maps web interface. You can check the connection to the instance with your favourite browser http://YOUR-INSTANCE-PUBLIC-DNS and going to the HOST tab of the application. It should look like this figure:

Default appearance of the **Hosts** tab

Use the default GridWay user gwuser (pass gwuser) only for testing. Should you delete this user, then you won't be able to retrieve the information from the web interface (you can safely lock this account as administrator). This default user has access to standard GridWay usage:

root@ec2-79-125-53-164:~# su - gwuser
gwuser@ec2-79-125-53-164:~$ gwhost
HID PRIO OS              ARCH  MHZ  %CPU    MEM(F/T)     DISK(F/T)      N(U/F/T) LRMS               HOSTNAME                      
0   1    ScientificCERNS i686  2660    0 16384/16384           0/0         0/0/0 jobmanager-pbs           
1   1    ScientificSLBer i686  3001    0   2048/2048           0/0        0/4/20 jobmanager-lcgpbs             
2   1    CentOSFinal     i686  2193    0   1026/1026           0/0       0/0/104 jobmanager-sge              
3   1    ScientificSLBer i686  1400    0   2048/2048           0/0       0/24/24 jobmanager-lcgpbs            
4   1    ScientificCERNS i686  1001    0     513/513           0/0       0/14/14 jobmanager-lcgpbs           
5   1    ScientificSLSL  i686  2400    0   2024/2024           0/0       0/20/20 jobmanager-lcgpbs          
6   1    Scientific SLSL i686  2600    0   2048/2048           0/0       0/10/20 jobmanager-lcgsge            
7   1    ScientificSLBer i686  1800    0   4096/4096           0/0       0/48/48 jobmanager-lcgpbs       
8   1    ScientificSLSL  i686  2400    0     513/513           0/0         0/4/4 jobmanager-lcgpbs             
9   1    ScientificSLSL  i686  3000    0   1024/1024           0/0         0/3/3 jobmanager-lcgpbs            
10  1    ScientificSLBer i686  2339    0     513/513           0/0         0/6/6 jobmanager-lcgpbs           
11  1    ScientificSLBer i686  3000    0   1024/1024           0/0       0/16/16 jobmanager-lcgpbs            

Adapt it to your needs

Feel free to modify the configuration file /opt/gridway/5.5.0/etc/gwd.conf according to the Configuration Guide. To reload GridWay with your modifications you need to restart the daemon as the GridWay administrator globus. Type as root

root@ec2-79-125-53-164:~# pkill gwd
root@ec2-79-125-53-164:~# su - globus -c "gwd -c -m"

In order to set up new GridWay users

  1. As root and add an account to the system
    root@ec2-79-125-53-164:~# adduser --ingroup gwusers YOUR-NEW-USERNAME
  2. Create a folder $HOME/.globus into the new user account and copy there the certificate files usercert.pem and userkey.pem.

Known Bugs / Troubleshooting

Wrong sudoers


gwuser@ec2-79-125-53-164:~$ gwsubmit -t job.jt
FAILED: failed could not register user (check proxy)
Solution The instance contains some sudoers instructions which points to /opt/gridway/5.6.beta but the actual directory is /opt/gridway/5.5.0, so please add a link as root:
root@ec2-79-125-53-164:~$ ln -s /opt/gridway/5.5.0 /opt/gridway/5.6.beta