====== Surveys of Metascheduling Technologies ====== This section of our web references some surveys, reports and documents that compare different metascheduling technologies. Please, consider that GridWay is an ongoing project and last releases may provide higher functionality: * [[http://www.coregrid.net/mambo/images/stories/TechnicalReports/tr-0096.pdf | Using SLA for Resource Management and Scheduling - A Survey]] by [[http://www.coregrid.net/ | CoreGrid]] [August 2007] * [[http://www.teragridforum.org/mediawiki/images/b/b4/MetaschedRatReport.pdf | Report on Meta-schedulers]] by [[http://www.teragrid.org/ | TeraGrid]] [April 2007] * [[http://www.gac-grid.org/project-overview/events-meetings/meetings/meeting-MPE/gridmetascheduler.ppt | Grid Metaschedulers: An Overview and Up-to-date Solutions]] by [[http://www.gac-grid.de/ | AstroGrid-D]], [[https://www.d-grid.de/ | D-Grid]] [November 15, 2006] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-scheduling | Metaschedulers]] by [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ | Wikipedia]] [September 4, 2006] * [[http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.64.pdf | Grid Scheduling Use Cases]] by [[http://www.ogf.org/ | OGF GSA Research Group]] [March 26, 2006] * [[http://www.gridwisetech.com/content/view/111/111/lang,en/ | Grid Brokers and Metaschedulers Market Overview]] by [[http://www.gridwisetech.com/ | GridWiseTech]] [March 14, 2006] * [[http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/grid/library/gr-metasched/ | Grid in action: Managing the resource managers]] by [[http://www.ibm.com | IBM]] [July 12, 2005]