====== Configuring SSH MADs ====== In this document we present as an example transfer and execution MADs (Middleware Access Drivers) that use SSH mechanism to interact with resources. These MADs also contain some code than can be reused to create another MAD so you can interact with other type of resources. ===== Configuration to access to SSH resources ===== The GridWay Configuration Guide provides complete information about configuration of the meta-scheduler. Next steps describe the specific configuration of the SSH access drivers. In file ''$GW_LOCATION/etc/gwd.conf'': IM_MAD = static:gw_im_mad_static:-l etc/host.list:ssh_tm:ssh EM_MAD = ssh:gw_em_mad_ssh::rsl2 TM_MAD = ssh_tm:gw_tm_mad_ssh: Node list (''etc/host.list'') is a list of nodes and files with static information of each node, this is an example: etc/.machine etc/.machine etc/.machine ... The files etc/.machine contain static information about each node where you want to send jobs. HOSTNAME="" ARCH="i686" OS_NAME="Linux" OS_VERSION="" CPU_MODEL="Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3" CPU_MHZ=3201 CPU_FREE=100 CPU_SMP=1 NODECOUNT=1 SIZE_MEM_MB=431 FREE_MEM_MB=180 SIZE_DISK_MB=74312 FREE_DISK_MB=40461 FORK_NAME="jobmanager-ssh" LRMS_NAME="jobmanager-ssh" LRMS_TYPE="ssh" QUEUE_NAME[0]="default" QUEUE_NODECOUNT[0]=1 QUEUE_FREENODECOUNT[0]=1 QUEUE_MAXTIME[0]=0 QUEUE_MAXCPUTIME[0]=0 QUEUE_MAXCOUNT[0]=0 QUEUE_MAXRUNNINGJOBS[0]=0 QUEUE_MAXJOBSINQUEUE[0]=0 QUEUE_STATUS[0]="0" QUEUE_DISPATCHTYPE[0]="Immediate" QUEUE_PRIORITY[0]="NULL" The file contains just two lines. You have to change hostname for each of hosts, adjust memory and slots. You also need to setup automatic logging with SSH using key pairs. This is explained in this [[http://sshkeychain.sourceforge.net/mirrors/SSH-with-Keys-HOWTO/SSH-with-Keys-HOWTO-4.html|howto]]. ===== Using GridWay ===== The functionality and interfaces provided by GridWay are independent from the underlying Grid infrastructure. Please refer to the guides (user's guide, command reference, programming guide...) available at the [[:documentation|Documentation]] section.