======Command Line Interface 5.8======
===== gwsubmit =====
==== Name ====
gwsubmit — job submission utility for the GridWay system
==== Usage ====
gwsubmit [-h] [-v] [-o] [-d "id1 id2 ..."] [-p priotity] [-n tasks [-s start] [-i increment]] <[-t] template>
==== Synopsis ====
Submits a job or an array job (if the number of tasks is defined) to gwd
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-v'' print to stdout the job ids returned by gwd
* ''-o'' hold job on submission
* ''-d "id1 id2 ..."'' job dependencies. Submit the job on hold state, and release it once the jobs with id1, id2, ... have finished
* ''-p priority'' initial priority for the job
* ''-n tasks'' submit an array job with the given number of tasks all the jobs in the array will use the same template
* ''-s start'' start value for custom param in array jobs. Default 0
* ''-i increment'' increment value for custom param in array jobs. Each task has associated the value. ''PARAM = start + increment * TASK_ID'', and ''MAX_PARM = start + increment * (tasks - 1)''. Default 1
* ''-t template'' template file describing the job
===== gwps =====
==== Name ====
gwps — report a snapshot of the current jobs
==== Usage ====
gwps [-h] [-u user] [-r host] [-A AID] [-s job_state] [-o output_format] [-c delay] [-nfx] [job_id]
==== Synopsis ====
Prints information about all the jobs in the GridWay system (default)
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-u user'' monitor only jobs owned by user
* ''-r host'' monitor only jobs executed in host
* ''-A AID'' monitor only jobs part of the array ''AID''
* ''-s job_state'' monitor only jobs in state ''job_state'' (see JOB STATES)
* ''-o output_format'' define output information (see FIELD INFORMATION)
* ''-c delay'' refresh job information every delay seconds
* ''-n'' do not print the header
* ''-f'' full format
* ''-x'' xml format
* ''job_id'' only monitor this job_id
==== Output field description ====
**Table 1. Field options**
| USER | u | owner of this job |
| JID | J | job unique identification assigned by the Gridway system |
| AID | i | array unique identification, only relevant for array jobs |
| TID | i | task identification, ranges from 0 to TOTAL_TASKS -1, only relevant for array jobs |
| FP | p | fixed priority of the job |
| TYPE | y | type of job (simple, multiple or mpi) |
| NP | n | number of processors |
| DM | s | Dispatch Manager state, one of: pend, hold, prol, prew, wrap, epil, canl, stop, migr, done, fail |
| EM | e | Execution Manager state: pend, susp, actv, fail, done |
| RWS | f | flags: ''R'' times this job has been restarted, ''W'' number of processes waiting for this job, ''S'' re-schedule |
| START | t/T | the time the job entered the system |
| END | t/T | the time the job reached a final state (fail or done) |
| EXEC | t/T | total execution time, includes suspension time in the remote queue system |
| XFER | t/T | total file transfer time, includes stage-in and stage-out phases |
| EXIT | x | job exit code |
| TEMPLATE | j | filename of the job template used for this job |
| HOST | h | hostname where the job is being executed |
| **Note:** ''t'' option only prints time and ''T'' also writes the date|||
**Table 2. Job states**
^JOB STATES ^ identifier ^
| PENDING| (i) |
| PROLOG| (p) |
| HOLD | (h) |
| WRAPPER | (w) |
| EPILOG | (e) |
| STOP | (s) |
| KILL | (k) |
| MIGRATE | (m) |
| ZOMBIE | (z) |
| FAILED | (f) |
===== gwhistory =====
==== Name ====
gwhistory — shows history of a job
==== Usage ====
gwhistory [-h] [-nx]
==== Synopsis ====
Prints information about the execution history of a job
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-n'' do not print the header lines
* ''-x'' xml format
* ''job_id'' job identification as provided by gwps
==== Output field description ====
**Table 3. Field information**
| HID | host unique identification assigned by the GridWay system |
| START | the time the job start its execution on this host |
| END | the time the job left this host, because it finished or it was migrated |
| PROLOG | total prolog (file stage-in phase) time |
| WRAPPER | total wrapper (execution phase) time |
| EPILOG | total epilog (file stage-out phase) time |
| MIGR | total migration time |
| REASON | the reason why the job left this host |
| QUEUE | name of the queue |
| HOST | FQDN/LRMS of the resource |
===== gwhost =====
==== Name ====
gwhost — shows hosts information
==== Usage ====
gwhost [-h] [-c delay] [-nfx] [-m job_id] [host_id]
==== Synopsis ====
Prints information about all the hosts in the GridWay system (default)
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-c delay'' refresh host information every ''delay'' seconds
* ''-n'' do not print the header
* ''-f'' full format
* ''-x'' xml format
* ''-m job_id'' prints hosts matching the requirements of a given job
* ''host_id'' only monitor this ''host_id'', printing also queue information.
==== Output field description ====
**Table 4. Field information**
| HID | host unique identification assigned by the GridWay system |
| PRIO | priority assigned to the host |
| OS | operating system |
| ARCH | architecture |
| MHZ | CPU speed in MHZ |
| %CPU | free CPU ratio |
| MEM(F/T) | system memory: F = Free, T = Total |
| DISK(F/T) | secondary storage: F = Free, T = Total |
| N(U/F/T) | number of slots: U = used by GridWay, F = free, T = total |
| LRMS | local resource management system, the jobmanager name |
| HOSTNAME | FQDN of this host |
**Table 5. Queue field information**
| QUEUENAME | name of this queue |
| SL(F/T) | slots: F = Free, T = Total |
| WALLT | queue wall time |
| CPUT | queue cpu time |
| COUNT | queue count number |
| MAXR | max. running jobs |
| MAXQ | max. queued jobs |
| STATUS | queue status |
| DISPATCH | queue dispatch type |
| PRIORITY | queue priority |
===== gwkill =====
==== Name ====
gwkill — controls job execution
==== Usage ====
gwkill [-h] [-a] [-k|-t|-o|-s|-r|-l|-9]
==== Synopsis ====
Sends a signal to a job or array job
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-a'' asynchronous signal, only relevant for KILL and STOP
* ''-k'' kill (default, if no signal specified)
* ''-t'' stop
* ''-r'' resume
* ''-o'' hold
* ''-l'' release
* ''-s'' re-schedule
* ''-9'' hard kill, removes the job from the system without synchronizing remote job execution or cleaning remote host
* ''job_id [job_id2 ...]'' job identification as provided by gwps
* ''-A '' array identification as provided by gwps
===== gwwait =====
==== Name ====
gwwait — synchronize a job
==== Usage ====
gwwait [-h] [-a] [-v] [-k] [-t timeout]
==== Synopsis ====
Waits for a job or array job
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' help.
* ''-a'' any. Return when the first job of the list or array finishes
* ''-v'' prints job exit code
* ''-k'' keep jobs. They remain in fail or done states in the GridWay system. By default, jobs are killed and their resources freed
* ''-t timeout'' do not wait more than timeout seconds. A negative value means waiting for ever (default)
* ''job_id [job_id2 ...]'' job identification or list of jobs ids as provided by gwps.
* ''-A array_id'' array identification as provided by gwps
===== gwuser =====
==== Name ====
gwuser — monitors users in GridWay
==== Usage ====
gwuser [-h] [-nx]
==== Synopsis ====
Prints information about users in the GridWay system
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-n'' do not print the header lines
* ''-x'' xml format
==== Output field description ====
**Table 6. Field information**
| UID | user unique identification assigned by the GridWay system |
| NAME | name of this user |
| JOBS | number of Jobs in the GridWay system |
| RUN | number of running jobs |
| IDLE | idle time, (time with JOBS = 0) |
| EM | Execution Manager drivers loaded for this user |
| TM | Transfer Manager drivers loaded for this user |
| PID | process identification of driver processes |
===== gwacct =====
==== Name ====
gwacct — prints accounting information
==== Usage ====
gwacct [-h] [-nx] [-d n|-w n|-m n|-t s] <-u user|-r host>
==== Synopsis ====
Prints accounting information about users or hosts in the GridWay system
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''-n'' do not print the header lines
* ''-x'' xml output
* ''-d n'' print accounting information from ''n'' days ago (ex: -d 1)
* ''-w n'' print accounting information from ''n'' weeks ago (ex: -w 1)
* ''-m n'' print accounting information from ''n'' months ago (ex: -m 1)
* ''-t s'' print accounting information from ''s'' seconds, where s is an epoch (i.e. ''-t 1159809792'')
* ''-u user'' print accounting information for user
* ''-r hostname'' print accounting information for host
==== Output field description ====
**Table 7. Field information**
| HOST/USER | host/user usage summary for this user/host |
| XFR | total transfer time on this host (for this user) |
| EXE | total execution time on this host (for this user), without suspension time |
| SUSP | total suspension (queue) time on this host (for this user) |
| TOTS | total executions on this host (for this user) |
| **Termination reasons**: ||
| SUCC | success |
| ERR | error |
| KILL| kill|
| USER| user requested|
| SUSP| suspension timeout|
| DISC| discovery timeout|
| SELF| self migration |
| PERF| performance degradation|
| S/R | stop/resume |
===== gwdagman =====
==== Name ====
gwdagman — dag job submission utility for the GridWay system
==== Usage ====
gwdagman [-h] [-d]
==== Synopsis ====
Submits a dag job to gwd
==== Command options ====
* ''-d'' Generate DOT file. It is written to STDOUT
* ''-h'' Print this help
===== jsdl2gw =====
==== Name ====
jsdl2gw — parser to translate JSDL file into GridWay Job Template file
==== Usage ====
jsdl2gw [-h] input_jsdl [output_gwjt]
==== Synopsis ====
Converts a jsdl document into a GridWay job template. If no output file is defined, it defaults to the standard output. This enables the use of pipes with gwsubmit in the following fashion:
jsdl2gw jsdl-job.xml | gwsubmit
==== Command options ====
* ''-h'' print this help
* ''input_jsdl'' read the jsdl document from the input_jsdl
* ''output_gwjt'' store the GridWay Job Template specification in the output_gwjt.jt file