====== Interoperation of GridWay with EMI-ES ======
The EMI-ES specification is an initiative of the [[http://www.eu-emi.eu|EMI project]] to unify job management and monitoring interfaces of ARC, gLite, and UNICORE. This document describes how to install and configure GridWay to submit jobs to EMI-ES endpoints.
Only the Nordugrid ARC implementation of EMI-ES has been tested.
===== Installation =====
* Install the ''IGE'' and ''EMI'' repositories.
* Install the ''gridway-EMIES'' package that provides the GridWay drivers to interface with EMI-ES endpoints. IGE, EMI and official repos must resolve all dependencies.
* Alternatively, you can build and install the EMI-ES and dummy drivers by yourself.
===== Configuration of Drivers =====
The GridWay Configuration Guide provides complete information about configuration of the meta-scheduler. Next steps describe the specific configuration to interface with EMI-ES endpoints.
* Add the following lines in the ''/usr/etc/gwd.conf'' file:
# MADs for EMI-ES
IM_MAD = static:gw_im_mad_static:-l etc/EMIES_hosts.list:dummy:emies
EM_MAD = emies:gw_em_mad_emies::adl
TM_MAD = dummy:gw_tm_mad_dummy:-u gsiftp\://;cache=no
* File ''/usr/etc/EMIES_hosts.list'' contains a list of nodes and files with static information of each node, this is an example:
The files ''/usr/etc/.machine'' contain static information about each node where you want to send jobs. Please refer to the [[:documentation:release_5.14:cg|configuration]] guide for more details.
* Some privileges are required to be set in the ''/etc/sudoers'' file. Please add the following lines.
#GridWay entries (EMI-ES MAD)
gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_em_mad_emies *
gwadmin ALL=(GWUSERS) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gw_tm_mad_dummy *
===== Using GridWay =====
The functionality and interfaces provided by GridWay are independent from the underlying Grid infrastructure. Please refer to the guides (user's guide, command reference, programming guide...) available at the [[:documentation|Documentation]] section.